Clash over divine waters Hard Mode

I only added a new mechanism that everyone needs to know and pay attention to. 

  1. Phase 1 (100%-60%)

  • Skills got no fan-shaped just dodge them like NM

  1. Phase 2 (60%-26%)

  • pay attention to interrupt Huo Dou

  • Pay attention to dodge Huo Dou, if he caught you you will have no time to disengage. Pay attention to this

  • [Collide] from Huo dou needs 2 times to knockdown Chiya

  • Chiya does AOE in inner ring

  1. Phase 3 (50%-0%)

  • Boss gives debuff to several players, after short delay it’ll explode and cause range damage. Targeted players move away from the group

  1. Phase 1 normal stage

  • 2-3 people (can be range or melee) share with tank when he got hit to the air

  1. Phase stage 1 (100%-30%)

  • After you shoot arrows you will get [Exhaustion] debuff, and can no longer shoot for 60s, all DDs must shoot arrows.

  • Boss does shockwave and destroy random number of ballistas, you must make it to P3 quickly (attention to kill all mobs before P3)

  1. Phase 3 stage 2 (30%-0%)

  • 2 Pioneers spawn, all DD pay attention to kill them quick, if there are ballistas and arrows left you can use them to do high damage on Pioneers

  • After killed pioneers “metal part” and “enhanced metal part” will appear, player must press F to adjust the orientation to point red arrow in order
    **Large metal part -> enhanced metal part -> boss **
    (attention to stand behind metal part only 1 person)

After 12 mins Xinhe and owl who were killed first will be revive instantly without any delay

  1. Phase 1  

  • You will get Burns and Yin debuff outside dark phase too

  • During [Flame Charge] Xinhe will release firework behind him, it’ll attach burn debuff

  • [Flame Flicker] will add burn debuff and increase damage caused by the next Flame Flicker, Tank pay attention to dodge, do not stack too many layers

  • Owl every skills will attach Yin debuff except Tornado, divide to 2 groups to avoid too many stacks

  1. Phase 2

  • There will be 1 large brazier and gradually expand, range can group there

  • [Explosion] If you hit a brazier that already exploded, you will ignite it again

  • [Spiral balls] Xinhe shoot fireball around and cause a lot of damage, dodge from distance

(Spiral balls)

  • [Yin Claw] will leave blue flame puddle on the floor, stepping on it will continue stack Yin Debuff

  1. [Butterfly dance] no circular to see, Melee attention to dodge

  2. [Whirling dance] has no Fan-shape to see, Tank pay attention to observe the boss adjustment angle

  3. **at 50% boss will summon 6 mobs appear 1 by 1, which must be killed in the REVERSE ORDER of the connection, then remember to interrupt after**

Example order of the connection is 1 -> 3 -> 5 ->2 -> 4 -> 6

killing order will be 6 -> 4-> 2 -> 5 -> 3 -> 1 

There will be 60s debuff after fighting your clone, we can’t assign just 1 DD to smash the golden shell, we need to assign more to rotate it (2-3 players)

[Water Dragon Canon] has no red indicator, only small red line

P1: Water Sprite stage

Same as NM, after [dragon tail sweep] and [dragon breath] then break golden shell at the right timing and do a full burst on the boss. 

P2: Big Golem stage

  • No red circular on golem, melee be careful with this.

  • The timing to break the golden shell is the same as P1 or a little bit slower

P3: Rainy stage

After the explosion of the balls, you will get a stackable debuff for 15s. Each layer will increase the damage of the next explosion by 15%

  • explosion debuff

(you can do 3+3 method, kill 3 balls and wait 15s and kill other 3 or keep explode them and DR at 5th and 6th)

P4: Final stage

The same as NM, If the boss isn’t dead at P4. Go kill seahorse as soon as possible 

P1: Water Sprite stage 

Back to P1 again, if the don’t does not have much HP he will directly get DR without waiting for [Dragon Tail Sweep]

P3: Rainy stage 

This phase the boss should almost die, go demonized asap and break his goldenshell and kill him. No need to play the balls

Hidden Boss : Giant Ray Yanze

  • Water and Fire Basin will no longer be infinity accessible 

  • before each [Roar: Fire/Water], everyone must return the buff to the basin and let [Roar: Fire/Water] give you element buff and help you next stage

  • You will get 1 special skill, walk close to basin and press it to return element buff

(The boss general attack also give you element buff, Tank can help to refill basin after they have 10 stacks element)

