Clash over divine waters Normal Mode

 Guide Awsl alliance

If there’s anything wrong feel free to correct me 


1. 【古剑ol】(普通)鏖战神水乡 详尽攻略(上)_哔哩哔哩_bilibili

2. 「普通」鏖戰神水鄉行前筆記 - ox7322的創作 - 巴哈姆特 (

3. Tony sifu awsl alliance

Boss 1 Chiya (Melee focus this one)

  • Boss has 10% spell DR

  • It has fire rings stand 15m and 25m

  • Don’t stand between 2 rings if you have 100 stack you’ll be killed 

Boss 1 Huo Dou (Range focus this one)

  • Boss has 10% physical DR

  • Healers have more pressure on this

If the boss have a different 10% HP or too close to each other they will increase damage and power PLEASE PAY ATTENTION

Chiya skill (100% - 51% Phase1) **DDs stay in inner ring**

  • Casts red line to Tank direction 2 times (Cannot block) dodge and wait for 2nd red line. Be careful about your positioning

  • Tank buster T-fan shape. USE DR

  • Big T-fan slash tank dodge out

  • Target random player and share damage

  • Full area AOE everyone uses DR (Transition change phase 51%)

Hou Dou skill (100% - 51% Phase1)

  • Red arrow on tank head use DR

  • T-fan shape target random Ranged DD dodge side away 

Phase 2 (51% - 26%)

Chiya skill is the same as P1 and DDs stay in inner ring

  • Hou Dou will running around area PAY ATTENTION to not get caught by it if you get hit by it you have to press button quickly to disengage

  • Hou Dou target farthest player with Yellow line You have to point the line to Chiya to knock him down

Phase 3 (50%-0%)

Both will fight together and continue buff attack power (Kill them fast!!)

  • Casts half-circle to tank, DR and swap tank 

  • Boss will continuous spray flame to tank position (tank decides way to rotate) or you can use DR for less healer pressure

  • Boss targets 1 player with Yellow line path, boss will run and leave the fire on the path. PLEASE BE CAREFUL

  • Share damage with current tank if number of share is wrong boss will increase a lot of attack power

Tip: Main-Tank waits for half-circle skill and DR after that off-tank swapped aggro and every one needs to stand behind off-tank because share will always come after half-circle. After group will move to 1T and repeat

Boss 2 Ramleh / Qigong Giant Spirit

Phase 1 

  • Spawn zombies, We must kill them within 3 mins otherwise they will go berserk and do a lot of damage full area AOE

  • Around the area there will be some mobs, Tank pull them to zombies. The mobs will drop a “Crossbow quiver”  after death. DD picked them up. (The more you pick up the slower movement speed will be) Crossbow quiver will use in P2

  • T-fan shape knocked back Tank and give debuff

  • Casts red line to tank direction, pay attention to dodge

  • Target current tank, everyone can share damage or healer help 

  • Casts 3 combo to current tank direction deal damage and stun, pay attention to dodge 

Phase 2 stage 1 (100% - 30%)

Giant boss will appear with 90% DR 

  • All DDs use ballista on the side of area to deal damage (consume quiver from P1)

  • This phase aircraft will spawn you have to use ballista, Kill them to get more quivers 

  • Earthquake full area AOE destroys 1 ballista on the field. (Broken ballista is effective in P3)

  • This phase healer will have more pressure :) good luck

Phase 3 stage 2 (30% - 0%)

  • Boss will be down and receive 99% skill immunity , reflex damage and immune to ballista

  • Pioneer will appear and walk toward the boss, all DD focus on it. After death it’ll drop gear part on the ground (PAY ATTENTION TO KILL SAPPER) if boss get 3 pioneers it's a wipe

  1. Laser - Boss deals damage to everyone can dodge behind Broken ballista or Gear part if there’s only 1 player behind gear it’ll reflex damage to boss, 4 reflection can defeat boss

  2. Electric ball - Boss summon electric ball on everyone head 3 times, it will slowly fall down and deal continuous damage PAY ATTENTION TO DODGE (recommend to move together to avoid chaotic )

Boss 3 Xinhe

This boss has divided into 2 phases 

  • Boss and the owl must be killed at the same time otherwise one will be resurrected after killed

Xinhe skills phase 1 

  • T-fan shape tank uses DR and phase1 can dodge backward after you got 1st hit

  • Boss casts full area silence AOE, DDs pay attention to interrupt (players that interrupted will be silenced) 

  • This boss will rushes to the owl and deal damage on his path, pay attention to dodge

  • Reflect damage : just stop DPS him

Owl skills phase 1

  • He casts several of purple balls, your movement will be inverted (WASD), pay attention to dodge  

  • Share damage targets 1 healer, all DDs go share. Healer that is not targeted don’t come to share (shared players will get several healing reduced debuff), other healers cleanse debuff on them

  • Double Tornado: Target 1 ranged dd with red line. After a few seconds it will release 2 purple tornadoes and move to target. At the end tornadoes will combined together to the BIG one deals full area damage and sucking players all the time (Like in Taihua flag) all DD need to run into purple tornadoes until it turned into white tornadoes 

After 2 mins you will enter phase 2 

Phase 2 darkness

Owl will disappear, we all focus on the man. 4 braziers will appear on the field you will get [Burns] debuff if you stand within brazier ranged and [Yin Penetration] debuff outside of brazier ranged

2 types of debuff will cancel each other. After you destroyed 4 braziers you will go out of the darkness 

  • Burns debuff is a DOT

  • Yin Penetration debuff reduce damage 5%/ consume more class resource 5%

Boss will use skill in a brazier range. It will be a fire puddle on every player's feet. We can dodge easily

  • 2 people with big blue AOE which gives darkness debuff. Just avoid group and move to another brazzier. 

  • Lava Wave : 180 degree skills dodge behind the boss

After the puddle exploded these brazier will have 30s cooldown to explode. It does A LOT of damage. Please don’t explode 2 brazier at the same time (you can see green cd bar)

In some period the owl will come to attack the player who has the most “Darkness” debuff. So please keep your mind balance it. 

  • Darkness debuff / Burn debuff don’t go away after you destroy all brazier. Be careful with stack, don't have too many. 

Boss 4 Madam Bei Li

This boss, we basically need to protect 2 NPC during the battle. They have items in their hand if they die it will make a big AOE to the team, You can res NPC but you’ll lose BH. Make sure you keep them alive.


  • Every boss skills will add debuff to you, 50 stacks you will have to do a dancing mini game

This is how a mini game looks like!, press space at the exactly white line in the middle to make a perfect dance. Otherwise you will need to do it again

If you failed the minigame you will turn into bomber man and run toward NPC, everyone need to attack you to wake you up. Otherwise you will kill NPC

Phase 2 (50% - 0%)

  • Dodge circle AOE

  • Protect NPC from red line laser by standing in front of them to block

  • Boss will randomly target players with heart icon on their head. Go share with the right number, if correct circle around will be Green, Incorrect will be Red. 1 heart means 1 person just look at the icon

  • This is half area we just need Tank to move them around to protect NPC or its wipe them. 

  • Butterfly will spawn in the area, you’ll get 20 stacks debuff each time you collect it. If you don’t have any stack you can get 1 butterfly ( 40 stacks is ok) Don’t let the field have so many butterfly.

  • Every 2 mins she will force everyone to play dancing mini game (no matter how many stack you have) you have to finish it ASAP, because we have to Interrupt boss after mini game to protect our NPC

Boss 5 White Dragon Bin Luo

This boss has 4 phases and it will be very messy (Everytime phase change dragon will make full area AOE) and many mobs will spawn around we have to kill them

  • At start boss has 80% DR, we cannot hit him

  • When mob hits you, you’ll get debuff. 100 stacks debuff will demonized you and TP to another dimension with your clone. Kill your clone to come back and get increase dmg 10% / golden shell dmg. (It’s only way to knock down the dragon), Assigned 2 players to be demonized, can be burst class

  • Boss spawn ice puddles in area, it’ll slow you down

  • Adds leave black puddle after death, it increase your stacks

(ice puddle)

  • At some point the dragon will use BIG AOE to blow you down the platform, you can avoid it by standing in ice puddle. If you knocked out you can’t be res. ( like Taihua first boss HM)

  • The dragon will summon Mini boss + adds, 1 Tank pull mini boss another tank pulls adds. Because mini boss will buff adds if near each other. Do not kill mini boss let him has very low HP and knocked the dragon down then kill mini boss

  • If you kill adds too quick you have to start from Phase 1 and do everything again

Phase 2 

  • Condition : have at least 1 water adds on the field after knocked him down

2 players will be iced, we will stand together and free them. Boss summons 2 mini bosses. 1 Tank pull 1 mini boss another pull 1 don’t let them near each other. We will repeat like phase 1. Leave 1 mini boss as very low HP and knock down the dragon and kill mini boss

  • Mini boss will explode after and give all 20 stacks

  • Mini boss AOE throwing black orbs around, dodge them

Phase 3

  • Condition : have at least 1 water adds on the field after knocked him down

  • The battlefield will raining and hard to see red indicator 

  • Blue orbs will spawn, kill it to leave phase 3 (1 orb does almost 50% of your HP so use DR)

  • Dodge purple lightning circle, it’ll stun you

  • After destroying all orbs the dragon will be knocked down, Please SAVE BH + Burst + elixir + food for this. Make his HP as lower as you can then will be P4

Phase 4

  • Adds will spawn at the edge of the map and won’t move. The dragon will attack use all of time. We basically dodge every attack and kill mobs. Go clockwise to kill them

  • Boss will spawn AOE in the middle, we have to jump over to dodge it (ice world mech). If you knocked him down you should be able to kill him or start from P1 again.

Hidden boss : Giant Ray Yanze

Condition to spawn : Fish him with earth dragon bait in the water

  • This boss divided to 2 staged water and fire

  • At the start in area will have altar of water and fire 4 each, walk close to it to get buff, everyone must keep 10 stacks opposite to the boss element.

  • Boss will change element every 2 mins, after 8 mins all altars will be destroyed

 Boss skill

Fire stage

  • He target 1 player and give 10 stacks of his element, if you don’t have water buff you’ll be killed. Please have 10 water buff all the time

  • Boss leave fire puddle on the ground, use water buff to extinguish it. 

Water stage

  • Boss target 1 player Share dmg everyone need to go share and don’t forget to have 10 stacks of buff

  • Boss casts 4 direction of waves and knock you out of platform, CC break worked. Or standing where the rock is so you won’t get knocked down

  • Large AOE give you 5 stacks of his element, you need another element to cancel it or you will be killed

EU1 - AWSL (CN/EN) guild(and static member) is looking for active PVE content player. 

- We are group of veteran players that started the game ever since it is realised. 

- We have multiple dungeon and raid groups for different level of game content, held on Thursday, Friday and Sunday. 

- New players are also welcome as we have dailies runs, catch up runs and gold grinding runs for players who wish to catch up. 

- We provide elaborate explanation and internal guide for new (incoming) content. 

- We also play on CN server and maintain a close contact with the dev to gain latest update information. 

- We expect you to be friendly and studious and willing to participate in end-game contents. Please bear in mind that if you wish to start hardcore contents(HM dungeons, HM raids, extreme) right away with us, you would have to go through a trial process. 

-No requirement for become a member of alliance 

-No spot for end-game contents static for fox -Looking for static members at the same time even if you are EU2 players DM me for more info NekoYx#4897




Clash over divine waters Hard Mode